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Your investment journey starts with just a few clicks

Setting up a Beaufort Property Invest account takes minutes. Once you’ve created your account, you can then access a full summary of project information and invest directly into a specific project opportunity. 

Your Beaufort Property Invest account will give you access to a full data room but also regular update notifications on the progression of each development. Including monthly summaries of the on the ground updates. Your account will enable you to access your critical investment information, payment schedules and balances.

1. Log in

Log in or create your account in minutes.

2. Select Investment Type

 Self-Certify and complete 

your investor profile.

3. Add funds

Review a development project

and invest.

Bond Calculator

Total Value
Estimated Gross Return
Invested Amount £20,000

Your capital is at risk, investment is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)